Carpet 101
Knowledge is power, learn in order to protect. As a consumer, there is a responsibility to get the most for each dollar spent. Judging carpet can be very simple and, believe it or not, it isn’t based just on sinking your fingers into it. It is easy to determine quality when relying on a credible source; the mills. The mills in Dalton, Georgia manufacture everything from base grade carpet to custom carpet. They commit thousands of dollars to Research and Development, and then back their claims with warranties. As a cautionary tale, be mindful when shopping traditional retail as they are in business to advance the sale primarily through fancy marketing that can be very deceiving. Carpet Connection is a voice for the mills which means that there is no showroom and no marketing. As a result, information regarding warranties, price, and quality are clearly communicated.
Quality can be determined by using the following three tests:
1. Determine the fiber
Over the last decade there has been a huge consumer outcry for a clean/pure alternative to Nylon. The mills answered with PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate). PET is inherently stain and fade resistant. Additionally, it is a very soft fiber and typically less expensive vs Nylon.
Nylon is one of the oldest fibers and it is very versatile. It has been around for decades and for many years it was the only quality alternative next to wool. Nylon is inherently soil resistant and known for its texture retention.
2. Brand Name
Stainmaster® is the biggest, most recognizable brand in the country. They created the carpet industry back in the 1930’s and continue to pioneer the way by spending millions on research and development. The Stainmaster® Patent means, by law, that the product is completely wrapped in Teflon. Whereas, base-grade products without the patent are topically sprayed with Scotch Guard. The shelf life for the base-grade products is short because normal foot traffic creates friction, wearing the protection off of the carpet. A carpet that is wrapped in Teflon, on the other hand, is very tough and will stand the test of time.
3. Determine the twist
The tighter the twist, the better the carpet. A tightly twisted carpet won’t unravel, become compromised, and crush together. A high-quality carpet will have at least five to seven twists per inch, creating a kink in the fiber. Determining the twist is a visual test that can be achieved simply by looking at an individual carpet strand.
Carpet thickness is a feeling that can be very nice, cozy, and comfortable. A thick carpet that does not satisfy the three tests listed above is not designed for longevity. But, there is good news: Carpet Connection offers quality and comfort at a staggering savings over retail.